We believe sound ESG practices have the potential to improve performance while promoting a positive impact on society and the greater environment. We embrace and integrate ESG factors into our investment strategy and believe doing so enhances our ability to build better businesses and create value.
ESG Oversight
Our ESG Committee includes the President of Audax Private Debt, three Managing Directors, and our internal ESG Specialist. The ESG Committee is responsible for the implementation of our ESG Policy and assesses the quality and consistency of our approach to ESG integration and risk management.
ESG Data Collection
Audax Private Debt seeks to collect meaningful, performance-based, and comparable ESG data from its portfolio companies. Our proprietary reporting systems provide us with customized views of qualitative and quantitative ESG data, enhancing our team’s analytical and reporting capabilities.
Responsible Investing Annual Report
Our 2024 Responsible Investing Annual Report for Audax Private Debt provides an update on firm-level initiatives and portfolio-level metrics.
To request a copy of our Responsible Investing Annual Report, please email us at PDLPRequests@audaxprivatedebt.com.
Our DEI values support our mission to create an environment of equity and inclusion for cultivating talent that drives us to deliver attractive returns to our investors and our vision to become the premier middle market alternative asset management firm. We endeavor to create lasting value with our commercial activities and within our communities.
We are proud to support a number of nonprofit organizations in our local communities and globally.